Thumbnail not showing in gallery

Last post 02-10-2006, 7:19 PM by clebrilla. 2 replies.
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  •  02-10-2006, 12:35 PM 15823

    Thumbnail not showing in gallery

    When I use the ImageGalleryByBrowsing button the thumbnails are not showing up. They just appear as red x's. If I insert that image, the image shows up in the editor, just not in the popup window.

    I am using version 5.2 of the editor (Feb 9th).

    Any help would be appreciated.
  •  02-10-2006, 2:57 PM 15827 in reply to 15823

    Re: Thumbnail not showing in gallery

    The following situation happens to other clients before.
    There is a user control called Thumblist.ascx in the CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Dialogs\ folder.  When you are using the Visual Studio IDE to include the "CuteSoft_Client" folder into your Visual Studio project, it prompts you to create a code-behind file for the Thumblist.ascx.
    If you select "Yes", the first line of Thumblist.ascx will be changed to:

    <%@ Control Language="vb" Debug="true" EnableViewState="true"AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="CuteEditor.Include.ThumbList"
    CodeBehind="ThumbList.ascx.cs" %>
    To fix that, just download the CuteEditor for .NET again and replace the Thumblist.ascx file in your project with the one in the download package.
    Keep me posted
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  •  02-10-2006, 7:19 PM 15835 in reply to 15827

    Re: Thumbnail not showing in gallery

    That file is unchanged. I actually didn't even add the files via the IDE, so the IDE has ignored them.

    Is there another possibility?
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