page cannot be displayed

Last post 03-13-2006, 1:10 PM by ggrymes. 3 replies.
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  •  03-12-2006, 2:01 AM 17029

    page cannot be displayed

    I am receiving an error when trying to load the default.asp page. I either get an error where the page hangs or it displays an error that says, Page cannot be displayed and at the bottom of the page says it is a dns or server error. I have upgraded to msxml 4.0 and have tested it and know that it is working. I've tried to track down in the code where this is happening but it isn't conclusive.  One thing that was weird is that if I delete much of the default.config file it opens the editor part way. At least it draws a few buttons but doesn't finish (can't edit anything in the window and the only button that works is the save button).
    However if I add the deleted text back into the config file it hangs again and displays the eventual page cannot be displayed message.
    Thanks for any help.
  •  03-12-2006, 4:35 PM 17049 in reply to 17029

    Re: page cannot be displayed

    What is the error?
  •  03-13-2006, 10:19 AM 17101 in reply to 17049

    Re: page cannot be displayed

    The error is either that the page just hangs and does nothing or
    The page cannot be displayed (that's what it says on the screen)
    then all the normal stuff when such an error happens and then at the bottom of the page it says there's a DNS error or Server error.
    The puzzling thing is that if I delete a bunch of the stuff from the config file, it loads partially but doesn't really become a real editor.
    BTW, This all works locally. It is on our production server that there is a problem.??
  •  03-13-2006, 1:10 PM 17113 in reply to 17101

    Re: page cannot be displayed

    ok, i finally made some progress on this. Don't know why I didn't try it before but when I opened the same page in Firefox it loaded. IE is what is causing the problem. This doesn't happen when I open it locally in IE. I will continue testing and update this post as I learn more or someone please illuminate me further.
    BTW, I upgraded msxml to msxml 4 sp 2 on the server. I'm using IE 6.0290.... sp2 128 bit
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