Is it possible to disable Ctrl-V?

Last post 04-26-2006, 12:14 AM by Ahem. 2 replies.
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  •  04-25-2006, 1:35 PM 18482

    Is it possible to disable Ctrl-V?

    I've searched through all current posts but was unable able to find precisely how to do this.  I can disable the ContextMenu (right-click) although I need to disable the Ctrl-V option as well - can this be done?
    Thank you.
  •  04-25-2006, 2:01 PM 18484 in reply to 18482

    Re: Is it possible to disable Ctrl-V?

    Jut set Editor.EditorOnPaste Property to Disabled.
    PasteBehavior Enumeration

    Enumerates the manners in which the editor handles pasted text.

    [Visual Basic]
    Public Enum PasteBehavior
    public enum PasteBehavior


    Member Name Description
    Default When you paste text into the editor it is not processed.
    Disabled Paste function is disabed.
    PasteCleanHTML When you pasting the html code into the editor, the empty tags, redundant nested tags and messy or unreadable HTML code are automatically cleaned up.
    PasteWord When you pasting the content from Word into the editor, the non-required code that usually comes with pasting from Word are automatically cleaned up.
    PasteText When you paste text into the editor, all HTML formatting is stripped. This option is ideal for content management systems where you want absolute control over the formatting
    ConfirmWord When you pasting the content from Word into the editor, will prompt users with a popup prompt to clean the non-required code.

    Requirements Chat
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  04-26-2006, 12:14 AM 18497 in reply to 18484

    Re: Is it possible to disable Ctrl-V?

    Thanks Adam,
    I think I'm close - when I set EditorOnPaste="Disabled" it does Stop the Ctrl-V ability - although it also disables my Paste and PasteAsPlainText buttons in my toolbar - so effectively I have no paste ability anywhere in the system.  Is that "as designed" or am I missing something on why my toolbar Paste options get disabled?
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