Why are my issues being ignored?

Last post 07-16-2008, 8:15 PM by zaggle. 0 replies.
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  •  07-16-2008, 8:15 PM 42276

    Why are my issues being ignored?

    I think it may be time for Cute Editor to hire some additional resources, from what I see you may well be overworked. I have spent a bit of time searching the forums and I am amazed at how often I see unanswered posts and posters like myself eventually having to ask, what's going on.
    It also seems to me that unless the poster supplies all the information like the version they are using, i.e. the references to the documentation they have already tried, all the code they have in place, etc., that a stalling tactic is put in place as these questions go back and forward. For me being in Australia, this is a pain, the minimum time I have to wait is 24 hours, and that is even if I get a reply.
    It's not really a criticism, but you seem to be the only technical staff answering posts and you obviously have way too much on your plate.

    I have two outstanding posts that I really need a reply on, even though they are separate they are interrelated, in that I wouldn't need to put a custom button the on the toolbar... http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/42223.aspx, if I could trap and manipulate pasted text or run a custom function in EditorOnPaste... http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/42219.aspx.
    I'm sure many of the other posters are in the same boat as myself, developers with responsibilities and deadlines. For me cute editor is deployed in a significantly large application with a lot of diverse users and I am getting negative feedback all day, which is why I developed a specific function to deal with their ms word issues and which I need to run preferably on paste, otherwise from a button....
    But there is this feeling of being ignored and while you have a good product, the support is not really up to scratch... so show your superiors this feedback and tell them to give you a raise and some more staff...


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