Forbidden Message on Image Upload Page

Last post 01-13-2007, 9:30 PM by BurnSoft. 1 replies.
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  •  01-07-2007, 3:49 PM 25607

    Forbidden Message on Image Upload Page

    I'm sure I'm just missing something, but I get the "Forbidden, you don't have permission to access this page!" message when trying to open the upload page.  I created another page with the control on it in an admin sub directory to faciliate allowing uploads by authorized users only.  Eventually I will password protect this page.  The public page does not display the upload icon, so users can't upload from there.
    Can someone explain how the permissions are working with the uploads and how I can limit uploading to selected users only?
  •  01-13-2007, 9:30 PM 25772 in reply to 25607

    Re: Forbidden Message on Image Upload Page

    THe "Forbidden" message I have gotten when there was an issue with the license file. Once I copied it back out to the Bin directory, the message went away.
    There was nothing that I saw in the DotNetGallery control that would handle the Permission to only people that are logged in.
    I had to do this on the page that contains the DotNetGallery Control.
    On Page_Load you can use this function to control the ablity to restrict upload to members only
    If CBool(Session("IsMember")) Then
    gallery1.ShowUpload = True
    gallery1.ShowEditDescription = True
    gallery1.ShowBatchBuild = True
    gallery1.ShowUpload = False
    gallery1.ShowEditDescription = False
    gallery1.ShowBatchBuild = False
    End If
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