Problem with Links dropdown

Last post 02-21-2007, 9:42 AM by Adam. 4 replies.
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  •  02-20-2007, 4:51 PM 26858

    Problem with Links dropdown

    I am trying to programmatically load the links dropdown.  It was working before, and I think it stopped working when I started using the newest release.
    I even tried copying the C# example from here:
    and put it into the page_load function of my user control that contains the cute editor, but it just keeps using what's in the common.config file.
    The only difference between the example and what I am doing directly is that my items are databased, so each add happens while looping through a dataset.  But like I said, the sample isn't working at all either.
  •  02-20-2007, 4:57 PM 26860 in reply to 26858

    Re: Problem with Links dropdown

    Okay, I figured out what is causing the problem, but I'm not sure why this is the case.  The problem is that I am setting EditorWysiwygModeCss AFTER I load the LinkTree with items.  Why does this cause the LinkTree to get reset?  Based on the definition of what that property is for, the two should be completely unrelated.
  •  02-21-2007, 12:33 AM 26868 in reply to 26860

    Re: Problem with Links dropdown

    Okay, I figured out what is causing the problem, but I'm not sure why this is the case.  The problem is that I am setting EditorWysiwygModeCss AFTER I load the LinkTree with items.  Why does this cause the LinkTree to get reset?  Based on the definition of what that property is for, the two should be completely unrelated.
    EditorWysiwygModeCss  property should have nothing to do with tree view dropdown menu.
    Please check this live example. The source code of this example can be found in the download package.
    dynamically populate the tree view dropdown menu

    How to dynamically populate the tree view dropdown menu?( C# | VB )

    This example demonstrates how to programmatically Chat
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  •  02-21-2007, 9:15 AM 26884 in reply to 26868

    Re: Problem with Links dropdown

    You should really start trying these things when customers give you exact cases to reproduce.  Take your example here, and add the following right after line 69 ():
    Editor2.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "../../../example.css";
    Editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "../../../example.css";
    The tree that was added in the second editor completely disappears.  The contents of the "Links" dropdown in editor one is completely cleared out.  Comment those two lines out, and the two dropdowns appear correctly.  It sure looks to me like EditorWysiwygModeCss is affecting those things.
  •  02-21-2007, 9:42 AM 26888 in reply to 26884

    Re: Problem with Links dropdown

    You should really start trying these things when customers give you exact cases to reproduce.  Take your example here, and add the following right after line 69 ():
    Editor2.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "../../../example.css";
    Editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "../../../example.css";
    The tree that was added in the second editor completely disappears.  The contents of the "Links" dropdown in editor one is completely cleared out.  Comment those two lines out, and the two dropdowns appear correctly.  It sure looks to me like EditorWysiwygModeCss is affecting those things.
    Yes, you are correct.
    I have checked the source code.  If you set EditorWysiwygModeCss later than set toolbar control , it will reset all the child controls. The changes to toolbar control will be lost due to this. Chat
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