Hallo Adam,
the CuteEditor (version 6.0) is set to the following properties:
Editor2.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "common/stylesEditor.css"
Editor2.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Simple
Editor2.UseHTMLEntities = False 'Umlaute
Editor2.CustomCulture = "de-de"
Editor2.Width = "560"
Editor2.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 10px arial; }"
At the moment in HTML mode I get the same font size as in "Normal" mode. But for code it's a little bit to big. I thought that I can change the font-size using the property "EditorBodyStyle", but it doesn't work.
Here are the styles of style "stylesEditor.css"
body { font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 100.01%; color: #000000; margin: 0; text-align: left; }
h1 { font-size: 1.2em; margin: 0.2em 0 1.0em 0; }
h2 { font-size: 1em; margin: 0.2em 0; }
h3 { font-size: 0.83em; margin: 0; }
p {font-size: 0.83em; margin: 1em 0; }
td { font-size: 0.83em; margin: 1em 0; }
tr.farbe1 { background-color:#EAEBED; }
tr.farbe2 { background-color:#D8E9F1; }
tr.farbe3 { background-color:#EAEBED;}
tr.farbe4 { background-color:#F9E6AE;}
Can you give me a tip?