Editor.Focus = true resets cursor to top of page, not to where it was before postback

Last post 08-21-2007, 11:04 AM by fredd. 2 replies.
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  •  08-14-2007, 3:25 PM 32474

    Editor.Focus = true resets cursor to top of page, not to where it was before postback

    If Editor.Focus set true, focus goes to top of page, not where it was when method called that caused postback!
    Focus should go to exactly where it was before the postback.
    How to fix this? Try it with your default config. page.
  •  08-20-2007, 10:44 PM 32643 in reply to 32474

    Re: Editor.Focus = true resets cursor to top of page, not to where it was before postback

    Please test this example:
    When post back, the editor will get focus again if your Editor.Focus to true.

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  •  08-21-2007, 11:04 AM 32659 in reply to 32643

    Re: Editor.Focus = true resets cursor to top of page, not to where it was before postback

    Please read our messages thoroughly. It just wastes time explaining again what the problem is.
    I know the editor gets the focus. That's not the problem. I said it "resets cursor to TOP OF PAGE NOT TO WHERE IT WAS BEFORE POSTBACK".
    The cursor should go to where it was before postback, just like happens when you use client-side pop-ups like Insert Image.
    This example fails to restore the focus to where it was.
    Go to your example, type "this is test" and place the cursor before the word "is". Click the HTML tab then click the Normal tab.
    The cursor is NOT where it should be. The cursor goes to the top of the editor (before the word "test"), at the start instead of where it was (before the word "is").
    Same thing happens on postback.
    How to fix this bug?
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