Any way to get access to the cool ResolveClientURL functionality to do something like <a href='~/Member/ContentPage.aspx'> ?
I won't be able to guarantee whether my app will be a virtual directory or a root folder on a new site. Therefore, doing something like <a href='/members/contentPage.aspx'>Example</a> won't always work for me. Unfortunately, I also may not be able to guarantee where I'll be calling to the page, so using a ./members/contentPage.aspx won't work either. What I'd really like to do is use the cool ~/Member/ContentPage.aspx notation allowed in .NET 2.0. Has anyone else found a good workable solution for this?
I've been digging into custom ExpressionBuilders but so far have had no luck. Within CuteEditor, it looks like I can set the baseHREF but I think that means the content won't be portable from system to system.
Please help.