Upgrade from V5 to V6 Gives Error - Object reference not sent to an instance of an object

Last post 03-01-2008, 4:58 PM by JonE. 2 replies.
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  •  02-28-2008, 6:13 PM 37443

    Upgrade from V5 to V6 Gives Error - Object reference not sent to an instance of an object

    I recently upgraded from V5 to V6 of CuteEditor for .NET and I am getting the following error when when I try to open a new page with the CuteEditor in it.  Visual Studio breaks at any line item trying to use the editor. It's like the editor never initializes on the page.  Here is an the error...
    System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code
      Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

    Here is the value I am trying to set in my code (OnLoad function)...
    Me.oCuteEditor.Text = "My Test HTML"

    Could this be my license somehow? I just requested a new version of my redistributable license and put it in the bin folder, but it gives me the same error.  I made sure that I removed all of the existing CuteSoft_Client content and put in the new .NET 2.0 files.  Any ideas?  How can i run a page to test to see if the license is ok?

    thanks in advance.

  •  02-28-2008, 11:24 PM 37452 in reply to 37443

    Re: Upgrade from V5 to V6 Gives Error - Object reference not sent to an instance of an object

    Please following the steps below:
    1. Remove the CuteEditor.dll reference from your solution.
    2. Add the reference of new CuteEditor.dll to your solution.
    3. Remove the old client files from your solution.
    4. Add the new client files to your solution.
    Recompile your project then try again.

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  •  03-01-2008, 4:58 PM 37483 in reply to 37452

    Re: Upgrade from V5 to V6 Gives Error - Object reference not sent to an instance of an object

    The problem from converting or upgrading from the 5.3 to the 6.0 version was the fact that you have changed the path and property names, etc. in the CuteEditor.  I created my own security config file a few years ago and the property value was...

    SecurityPolicyFile="mypolicyname.config" AutoConfigure="none"

    Now I had to use...


    That was the reason that this code wouldn't work...
    CType(oCuteEditor.ToolControls("NewEmail").Control, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl).Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ConfirmNewEmailWindow(""Are you sure you want to clear this email??\nSelect 'OK' to delete or 'Cancel' to quit."",'" & oCuteEditor.ClientID & "');")
    By the way, that line of code above is pretty cool. It basically addes an onclick event to a custom button that I defined with a name of NewEmail in my mypolicyname.config file. :)
    The problem was because my 'NewEmail' button wasn't loading and because the editor had no config or something, it wasn't really loading!  So it would fail.  I guess if there are any errors in your HTML configuration settings for the CuteEditor, it goes crazy and doesn't even load.  I hope this helps someone else.
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