possible to show the latest messages

Last post 01-27-2005, 8:20 PM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  01-27-2005, 4:17 PM 3755

    possible to show the latest messages



    cutechat does not show the latest messages. If for example someone has posted a message say around 12:00 and someone visits the chat on 15:00, he/she does not see the messages from 12:00. The message is stored in the database.


    Can cutechat be configured that it always shows the latest message of say the last 24 hrs or the latest 100 messages.

    What is the current setting for this in de applet?




  •  01-27-2005, 8:20 PM 3760 in reply to 3755

    Re: possible to show the latest messages


    you could set these two configuration :
      HistoryTimeout="1440" - minutes of history to list when an user connect the room
      MaxMessageCount="100" - more message are not list each time
    Regards , Terry .
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