Insert Image functionality... strange occurences!

Last post 04-10-2008, 6:35 AM by mike.chambers. 2 replies.
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  •  04-09-2008, 11:21 AM 38966

    Insert Image functionality... strange occurences!

    Ok please bear with me as this one is quite strange and at the same time quite convoluted..
    Content in the cute editor area is html as this
    <div class="HomeColumn1"><img height="119" alt="" src="" width="277" border="0" />
    <h2>Mining and Power</h2>
    <p>Overall, our Mining and Power operations improved their financial performance from an operating loss before non-trading exceptional items of £26.8 million in 2006 to £1.8 million in 2007. </p>
    code sets an external css style sheet for the cs area
     Editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = TemplateItemLocation("Styles") + "Cute.css";
    Which is working as expected...
    However, On first appearance of the CE area clicking on the image "MiningAndPower.jpg", then clicking the insert image button does not in the dialogue show the "MiningAndPower.jpg" that was selected... Hence selecting an image in the dialogue and clicking insert puts the dialogue image at the top of the ce area as a new image.. and doesn't replace the image that we had selected.
    If you however flick to html mode, then back to normal, and do the same, eg click the insert image, the image (MiningAndPower.jpg) that we have selected is shown in the dialogue and selecting a different image, and clicking ok then updates the MiningAndPower.jpg to the different image.
    ... it gets stranger still
    the class on the div of HomeColumn1 in the external css is
     background:#fff none;
     border-bottom:solid 20px #FFFFFF;
    If I remover the top two declarations
     background:#fff none;
     border-bottom:solid 20px #FFFFFF;
     then the functionality on first entry to the ce is as expected, clicking on the MiningAndPower.jpg image, then insert image brings up a dialogue with that image shown.... (without having to flick between normal - html - normal mode)
    Obviously we would like the functionality to be consistent, with the styling as we want it... eg come into page click on image, click insert image, shows the image we had in the ceArea, selecting a different image then updates the original image in the ce area!
    Hope this is not as clear as mud...
    And I can't really reproduce in the demo, as too many specific variables server side....
    Any help much appreciated..
    Ps I did download the ce6.0 package on the site available today and updated all dll and support files, but still seeing functionality as outlined above.
  •  04-09-2008, 7:58 PM 38972 in reply to 38966

    Re: Insert Image functionality... strange occurences!

    I've tried your code and steps in the following example.
    It works ok there.
    Can you try it?
    Keep me posted Chat
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  •  04-10-2008, 6:35 AM 39010 in reply to 38972

    Re: Insert Image functionality... strange occurences!

    Ok... not sure how I can try it...
    As the steps to reproduce would involve... pre population of the ce area with the html, and adding the styles to the external wysiwygcss file??
    If I move to html and paste my html, and move back I've already done what I've found fixes it... and there is no way I can add a style definition to your external css??????
    Basically to test requires access to your server and code!
    If you like I could give you acccess to our server so that you can see what is going on.... if you provide your ip I can grant you access to one of our developement sites.. and set up two pages one with the error and one with the altered css?
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