Unable to set image gallery path

Last post 07-11-2008, 11:47 AM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  07-11-2008, 8:42 AM 42136

    Unable to set image gallery path

    I've failed every time I have attempted to set the image gallery path to the directory I need.  When I click on the image gallery icon, I get a .net (2.0) error page that displays saying the path could not be found.  The initial error message could not find the "uploads" directory.  So after failing with the security xml files and code behind I decided to upgrade to version 6.1 of the editor.  Now I get an error that the "images" directory could not be found (although the new vista look to the popup looks nice).
    I have followed the directions on this page to a "T": http://cutesoft.net/developer+guide/Specifying-images-path.htm.  I have changed the file paths in the security files to the paths I need (even though I really need to do this via codebehind), I have tried to comment them out, I have a method in my code behind that tries to set the value dynamically, and I have used jibberish file paths just to be sure that in the event of an error being thrown, at least it was looking for the path or folder specified and every single time I run the project the result is the exact same.  Which one of my healthy body parts do I need to barter with in order to get this to work right?
  •  07-11-2008, 11:47 AM 42146 in reply to 42136

    Re: Unable to set image gallery path

    Can you post your code?
    C# Example:
    //use the app-based path 

    Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= "~/uploads";
    //use the absolute path 
    Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= "/uploads";
    //use the physical path 
    Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= @"c:\inetpub\wwwroot\uploads";
    //use the app-based path 

    //use the absolute path 
    //use the physical path 

    VB Example:

    //use the app-based path 

    Editor1.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath")= "~/uploads"
    //use the absolute path 
    Editor1.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath")= "/uploads"
    //use the physical path 
    Editor1.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath")= "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\uploads" 
    //use the app-based path 

    //use the absolute path 
    //use the physical path 

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