Having Problems with HTML inside Editor - Please Help

Last post 03-27-2009, 2:44 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  03-26-2009, 6:03 PM 50336

    Having Problems with HTML inside Editor - Please Help

    Basically what's happening is that I am trying to use the editor to add stuff through PHP into a MySQL database and edit it afterwards. When I edit it instead of showing Rich Text Like Bold - it shows <strong>Bold</strong> on Normal view.
     The REMOVE ALL HTML TAGS button does not work. I have attached a screenshot and the code.

                       $editor=new CuteEditor();

                       //use $_POST["NewsText"]to catch the data
                       $editor=new CuteEditor();

                       //use $_POST["NewsText"]to catch the data
    I cannot edit pages normally. What am I missing? I  need the HTML to be gone when I edit and the CLEAN UP BUTTON that looks like a brush doesn't do it. Here is the front end - http://tucsonchargers.com/calendar.html

  •  03-27-2009, 2:44 PM 50387 in reply to 50336

    Re: Having Problems with HTML inside Editor - Please Help

    Can you try the following code/
    $editor->Text="<h1>Hello World></h1>";

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