customize progress bar position?

Last post 07-08-2009, 1:54 AM by cutechat. 3 replies.
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  •  07-07-2009, 10:55 AM 53792

    customize progress bar position?

    May I customize progress bar position, for example I want put the progress bar in a hidden div, when I upload file it show.
    Or can I put it in a layer, when I upload file, the layer show the progress bar above my page?
  •  07-07-2009, 11:29 AM 53796 in reply to 53792

    Re: customize progress bar position?

    For advanced requests, I suggest you use the javascript API for it :
    use the CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnProgress event , return false to hide the default UI , and draw your own progress bar based on the data .
  •  07-08-2009, 12:55 AM 53821 in reply to 53796

    Re: customize progress bar position?

    thank you reply for customize the progress bar method, but I don't wan't to do it myself, my question is can I put the progress bar layer of your code to my customize layer, and then I can control the show position?
  •  07-08-2009, 1:54 AM 53824 in reply to 53821

    Re: customize progress bar position?

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