When I add the following HTML code in the cute-editor my style background will be destroyed,
- <h1>Dealer Logout</h1>
- <p><img border="0" alt="" align="left" src="{!!hoi.bla!!}?w=300" />U bent uitgelogd als dealer.<br />
- </><br />
- </></p>
- <p>{!$Control.36.09$!}</p>
- <div style="background-image: url({!!hoi.bla!!})">tralalala</div>
In this example,
I go to html, and paste my code,
When I switch to normal and back, my url is changed to :
- <div style="background-image: url(http://cutesoft.net/example/%7B!!hoi.bla!!%7D)">tralalala</div>
But I don't want the compleet image path it should be relative. and my "{" sign shouln't be replaced by "%7B"