Triggering Ajax Uploader via .NET button

Last post 01-29-2010, 9:40 PM by cutechat. 2 replies.
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  •  01-28-2010, 3:03 AM 58409

    Triggering Ajax Uploader via .NET button

    Hello, I've downloaded the demo version of Ajax Uploader with intentions of buying it for my company, however I need it to be able to do the following...
    I have a form (totally ASP .NET Ajax wired) and I need the user to be able to find what files they want to upload and then click my button to start the upload... but it's not quite as simple as that!
    The button needs to add records into a database for each file selected to be uploaded (so if there's 5 files, 5 records need to be added etc), hence why I want uploading and database entry to happen in one click. Can anyone provide some sample code please? I've downloaded the examples provided yet none fit my needs.
  •  01-28-2010, 12:48 PM 58420 in reply to 58409

    Re: Triggering Ajax Uploader via .NET button

    Dear Ormiston,
    Please refer to , in download package, you can find its source.
  •  01-29-2010, 9:40 PM 58450 in reply to 58409

    Re: Triggering Ajax Uploader via .NET button

    Please check the advanced sample source code, the Write.aspx and EditTopic.aspx
    You can test them here :
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