Odd Behavior When Inserting a Video File Using Firefox

Last post 02-05-2010, 9:27 AM by kazzlo. 3 replies.
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  •  01-29-2010, 4:34 PM 58443

    Odd Behavior When Inserting a Video File Using Firefox

    See the video below.  I'm able to insert a video file on the CE DEMO page using IE, but I get a different result when inserting the same video file using Firefox.  Version info for Firefox is displayed in the video.  [I uploaded / inserted the video below using IE7]
  •  01-29-2010, 9:22 PM 58447 in reply to 58443

    Re: Odd Behavior When Inserting a Video File Using Firefox

    In firefox, after you insert the flash, you should get the following image in the editor window.
    After you submit the form, the correct flash code will be extracted from the editor.
    The reason we do this is to prevent  firefox mess up your flash. First we protect your flash code and show a flash image, when you submit the form, we release the above flash image with your correct flash code.

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  •  01-30-2010, 6:50 AM 58453 in reply to 58447

    Re: Odd Behavior When Inserting a Video File Using Firefox

    Hi Adam,
    I was inserting a WMV video file and thus was surprised to see it treated as a flash file.
  •  02-05-2010, 9:27 AM 58549 in reply to 58453

    Re: Odd Behavior When Inserting a Video File Using Firefox

    This is a test video uploaded under latest Firefox.
    Please ignore this post. I just wanted to verify that I can upload and then access/play the video after posting it and I can (and I can do so).
    I'm currently unable to play the same video in my own test environment using the latest version of CE.  Back to the drawing board..
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