browse imagefolder stoped working

Last post 07-01-2010, 4:19 AM by bix. 5 replies.
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  •  06-14-2010, 4:42 AM 61723

    browse imagefolder stoped working

    all of a sudden, browsing folders stopped working in one of the "insert image"-windows.
    It works fine in the gallery, but not in the advanced window.
    The problem just poped up and now it exist on all my local sites and some of my released sites aswell, so I guess it is an environment issue.
    Have I missed any setting in some file?
    Is it this line?

    Looks fine to me

    plz help!

  •  06-14-2010, 3:05 PM 61733 in reply to 61723

    Re: browse imagefolder stoped working

    Please check , if issue is still existing, please take a screenshot and post it here.
  •  06-14-2010, 4:03 PM 61735 in reply to 61733

    Re: browse imagefolder stoped working

    I set that programmatically cause it depends on if it is a community site or just a plain old site i'm building.
    Get confused on the screenshot part, there's nothing to see at a screenshot, it looks normal but the click doesn't work.
    BTW, your editor at this site hangs just as bad as mine do, have to reload  page to be able to start writing. That was my next question, but now that it happened to me here I got reminded :)
    Probably some browser issue...but we address that later
  •  06-14-2010, 5:23 PM 61737 in reply to 61735

    Re: browse imagefolder stoped working

    Is your site online? Can you  post the cuteeditor access url here or send it to [email protected]?
  •  07-01-2010, 3:56 AM 62164 in reply to 61737

    Re: browse imagefolder stoped working

    Hi Eric.
    Got the same issue on the insert dokument window, can't choose any document.
    Got several sites with this issue, just have to find one where I can let you in.
  •  07-01-2010, 4:19 AM 62166 in reply to 62164

    Re: browse imagefolder stoped working

    hmmm...problem solved...sortof :)
    While I was looking for a site to show u the problem, I stumbled across one of my own sites.
    The thing was that it worked there, so I just copied the entire 
    CuteEditor_Files-folder and it worked.
     So, still don't know what the problem was but my customer is happy.
    I will try to recreate the problem later on.
    btw, I have to rename all .config files to .xml to make it work on windows server. Guess that the config extension is dedicated to .NET
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