MVC AjaxUploader: Controller vs Java

Last post 10-24-2010, 9:04 PM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  10-22-2010, 7:04 PM 64647

    MVC AjaxUploader: Controller vs Java

    Bear with my naivete please, but after wrestling with this for several hours today I finally figured out how to use axaxuploader in my MVC site. 
    Now, what is got me scratching my head is which is better?  Using the *.ashx handler through Java script or the Controller sending back a json ActionResult because i figured out I could handle the file completely either way.  Now I prefer personally to use the controller, but wanted to make sure what the reasoning was for having both.
  •  10-24-2010, 9:04 PM 64655 in reply to 64647

    Re: MVC AjaxUploader: Controller vs Java

    If you want to refresh the page via MVC , you shall send guid list to controller.
    If you want to refresh the page via AJAX, you shall send guid list to your custom ashx.
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