Give Ajax Uploader a HTML5 file object

Last post 01-11-2011, 9:15 PM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  01-11-2011, 1:37 PM 65678

    Give Ajax Uploader a HTML5 file object

    Good morning,
    I would like to add a drag and drop option to my uploader.
    HTML5 gives some drag and drop functionalities and I would like to use it to get a FileList (
    How can I give this FileList to AjaxUploader to let him do the upload?
    Thank you.
  •  01-11-2011, 9:15 PM 65686 in reply to 65678

    Re: Give Ajax Uploader a HTML5 file object

    Uploader do not support that.
    We will try to support it in the future.
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