I have a site I am installing with the phpuploader and having issues with it. This works fine on my server and another server, but this one is causing issues. (I have developer license).
I get this error:
Silverlight : The upload task is interrupted!
Server side error :
But the server side error is blank.
If I change
public $UploadType
In the include_phpuploader.php file to Flash, I get a partial upload, but say the file is an invalid JPG, which it isn't.
I downloaded the most recent download and see the include_phpuploader file has more lines. I uploaded those files (except the license file) and now when I try to upload, nothing happens.
I changes that to Flash and got an error about the session_start, so I have included the file before my session start.
NOW when I try to upload with the new files and using flash, I get the error FLM Error: OK
Any help?