Server To Busy after some time

Last post 05-20-2005, 9:23 AM by ingig. 6 replies.
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  •  05-19-2005, 9:39 AM 6818

    Server To Busy after some time


    I just put up the chat on my website and after a while, with about 10-15 people in the lobby suddenly the server stops responding and in the end it gives server to busy.

    Could it be that I need to configure the web.config(or machine.config) to handle more threads or could it be that IIS as a defense mechanism, thinking it's some sort of an attack, that it closes the AppDomain. All my other website that are running on a different AppDomain continue to response correctly.

    What do you think?


  •  05-19-2005, 12:24 PM 6831 in reply to 6818

    Re: Server To Busy after some time

  •  05-19-2005, 12:59 PM 6833 in reply to 6831

    Re: Server To Busy after some time

    latest version, v2.0
  •  05-19-2005, 1:59 PM 6839 in reply to 6818

    Re: Server To Busy after some time


    I am not sure what cause that , what app are you using ? DNN ? AspNetForums or others ?
    Regards , Terry .
  •  05-19-2005, 11:06 PM 6848 in reply to 6839

    Re: Server To Busy after some time

    Hi Terry

    It's just my custom made system, running on win 2k3 and IIS 6. The traffic was about 80-100 hits per second on the website before I setup the chat but I didn't check what the traffic was when the chat was public. Normal RAM usage is 1.3gb but the system has 3gb. The processor runs most of the time in < 30% and peaks sometimes to 80% for 1 or 2 sec. When the chat was public the processor was the same.

    The database is running on another machine but I have the chat and the website database in a different instance inside of the same SQL Server. When the website stopped responding all my other websites, running on different AppDomain but the same instance of website database, continued to work correctly.

    When the chat was public we had about 10-15 people inside for about 5 minutes, then it started to crash. Alot of people were coming in and going out in that time, so the system was sending alot of join/disconnect messages. I closed the chat so that only I could get into it, and it seems to work as it should. Offcource I was the only one chatting :)

    I will test it on my developer machine and see if I can create the same problem, that way I can have fun with all the config files, code, etc. and hopefully come up with some solution.

    Can you think of any possible solution or a reason for this?


  •  05-20-2005, 12:58 AM 6850 in reply to 6848

    Re: Server To Busy after some time


    Maybe it's caused by the web garden .
    Could you set the application into a standalone IIS6 process ? and adjust the web garden count to 1 , and test it again ?
    Regards , Terry .
  •  05-20-2005, 9:23 AM 6854 in reply to 6850

    Re: Server To Busy after some time

    Hi Terry

    The web garden count is set to 1, I can't use my system at this moment with many web gardens.

    I'm not sure if I can set the chat into a standalone process, because I need the session from the other process to log the user into the chat but I will try it.

    I implemented the DataProviders to log in the users. It's a simple implementation

      public class CuteChatUserProvider : CuteSoft.Chat.UserAdapter {

            public override string GetUserUniqueName(System.Web.HttpContext Context)
                if (Context.Session == null) return null;

                UserIdentity ui;
                if (Context.Session["UserIdentity"] == null) {
                    ui = new UserIdentity();
                } else {
                    ui = (UserIdentity) Context.Session["UserIdentity"];
                return (ui.Principal.Role == Role.Guest) ? null : ui.Username;


    This is the only method that does something, most of the other methods return strings or bool


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