I've got two editors on a page. I'd like to put a label in the toolbar on the left, and position a custom toolbar on the right. It would be nice to do it from code-behind. I'm using the following configuration file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item type="g_start" />
<item type="image" name="NetSpell" imagename="spell" />
<item type="image" name="Bold" />
<item type="image" name="Italic" />
<item type="image" name="Underline" imagename="under" />
<item type="image" name="JustifyLeft" imagename="left" />
<item type="image" name="JustifyCenter" imagename="center" />
<item type="image" name="JustifyRight" imagename="right" />
<item type="image" name="InsertOrderedList" imagename="numlist" />
<item type="image" name="InsertUnorderedList" imagename="bullist" />
<item type="image" name="ToFullPage" command="FullPage" imagename="fit" hotkey="F12" />
<item type="image" name="FromFullPage" command="FullPage" imagename="restore" hotkey="F12" />
<item type="g_end" />