erorr while uploading files

Last post 04-17-2013, 3:18 PM by sahar. 2 replies.
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  •  04-17-2013, 11:50 AM 77239

    erorr while uploading files

     Sometimes when uploading files i get the following my error log filled with these errors:


    [17-Apr-2013 13:37:34] PHP Notice:  iconv() [<a href='function.iconv'>function.iconv</a>]: Detected an illegal character in input string in include_phpuploader.php on line 70


    line 70 is:

    $ar[$k] = iconv("UCS-2",$PhpUploader_InternalEncoding,pack("H4",substr($v,-4)));


    I got no clue what it means, It happens to me with a certain file all the time and no matter what i rename it too it still keeps on doing this error, the file cannot get uploaded...


    Any hints? 

  •  04-17-2013, 12:06 PM 77241 in reply to 77239

    Re: erorr while uploading files

    Hi sahar,


    Can you send me the certain file what you got this error? So we can check it.


    [email protected]





  •  04-17-2013, 3:18 PM 77242 in reply to 77241

    Re: erorr while uploading files

    hello Kenneth,

    I sent an email.




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