Document Selector -Chrome issue.

Last post 08-31-2012, 1:52 PM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  08-31-2012, 8:16 AM 74529

    Document Selector -Chrome issue.



    Recently i downloaded the cute editor  6.6 version added in my project. We can use the cute editor as document selector the live example




    The issue is  'pick file'  button in the link doesnt work on Chrome with single click but works on double click.  Does the issues  is fixed??? 


    Cute Editor Team Pls help me.  Question is alerady in the forum  in 2006.

  •  08-31-2012, 1:52 PM 74534 in reply to 74529

    Re: Document Selector -Chrome issue.

    Hi Sivaram,


    Below is the new example page, please try it


    1. <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor" Assembly="CuteEditor" %>  
    2. <%@ Page Language="C#"%>  
    3. <html>  
    4. <head>  
    5.     <title>ASP.NET WYSIWYG Editor - Use CuteEditor as a document selector</title>  
    6.     <style>  
    7.         body {   
    8.         text-align: center;   
    9.         margin-top:20px  
    10.         }  
    11.         .demo {   
    12.         text-align: left;   
    13.         width: 700px;  
    14.         border:solid 5px #CBCAC6;  
    15.         background-color:#fbfbfb;  
    16.         padding: 30px 30px 50px 30px;   
    17.         font-family:Segoe UI, Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;  
    18.         font-size: 100%;  
    19.         margin: 0 auto;   
    20.         }   
    21.     </style>  
    22. </head>  
    23. <body>  
    24.     <form id="Form1" runat="server">  
    25.         <div class="demo">  
    26.             <h3>  
    27.                 Use CuteEditor as a document selector</h3>  
    28.             <p>  
    29.                 This example demonstrates how to use CuteEditor as a document selector.  
    30.             </p>  
    31.             <br />  
    32.             <asp:TextBox ID="docFld" Width="300" runat="server" />  
    33.             <input type="button" value="Pick a file" onclick="callInsertImage()" id="Change"  
    34.                 runat="server" name="Change">  
    35.             <CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server" Width="1" Height="1" AutoConfigure="None"  
    36.                 ShowHtmlMode="False" ShowPreviewMode="False" EnableContextMenu="false" ShowGroupMenuImage="False"  
    37.                 ShowBottomBar="False" BackColor="White" BorderColor="White">  
    38.             </CE:Editor>  
    39.         </div>  
    40.     </form>  
    42.     <script language="javascript">   
    44.     function callInsertImage()    
    45.     {    
    46.             var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');  
    47.             var editdoc = editor1.GetDocument();    
    48.             editdoc.body.innerHTML="content";  
    49.             editor1.ExecCommand('insertdocument');  
    50.             InputURL();  
    51.             document.getElementById("<%=docFld.ClientID%>").focus();   
    52.     }      
    54.     function InputURL()  
    55.     {   
    56.         var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');  
    57.         var editdoc = editor1.GetDocument();    
    58.         var links = editdoc.getElementsByTagName("a");         
    59.         if(links.length>0&&links[links.length-1].href!="")    
    60.         {   document.getElementById("<%=docFld.ClientID%>").value = links[links.length-1].href;         
    61.         }    
    62.         else  
    63.         {  
    64.             setTimeout(InputURL,500);   
    65.         }     
    66.     }        
    67.     </script>  
    69. </body>  
    70. </html>  





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