uploading image problem.

Last post 08-07-2012, 10:37 AM by Minisuit. 2 replies.
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  •  07-30-2012, 1:43 PM 74312

    uploading image problem.

    I have just downloaded and installed CuteEditor and it works perfeclty using text and stuff, Im in love with it.
    But the thing is I dont know why i cant upload images.
    When i go and click on the image and it asks to uplod the pic , when i click upload it shows :  The website cannot display the page.

    it doesnt also show my folder "uploads "which i created at the root folder.

    What whould I do this case.

  •  07-31-2012, 8:10 AM 74317 in reply to 74312

    Re: uploading image problem.

    Hi lulzim,
    Can you show me your editor test page url? So we can check it for you.
  •  08-07-2012, 10:37 AM 74361 in reply to 74317

    Re: uploading image problem.

    I think your problem is due to one or more of these: 
    • You are using Vista and you are trying to upload files in not public folders 
    • Your host doesn't allow uploading some files 
    • You didn't apply the correct permissions to Icy Phoenix folders 
    • You are trying to upload some fake images (check images headers and extensions)

    Best Regards,
    Navin Patel-Affiliate Manager
    Minisuit Affiliate Program
    Minisuit DOT com
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