Problem with Firefox 20.0.1

Last post 05-24-2013, 3:07 PM by crennadavide. 1 replies.
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  •  05-24-2013, 3:01 PM 77486

    Problem with Firefox 20.0.1


    I've update the PHPfileUploader at the latest version and i have solved the problems with uploading images in IE10.

    Now there is a problem with Firefox 20.0.1: When the server try to initialize the uploader i always get this error:


    Error when initialize uploader : Ox19a.getComputedStyle(...) is null


    Looking for a soluction

    Many thanks



  •  05-24-2013, 3:07 PM 77487 in reply to 77486

    Re: Problem with Firefox 20.0.1

    The problem seems to appear because i am in an iframe, when i load the same page that contains the upoloader in another windows the messagebox doesn't appear



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