Behavior of New Uploaded File Browser

Last post 11-19-2003, 12:22 PM by ChrisBissell. 2 replies.
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  •  11-18-2003, 1:37 AM 77

    Behavior of New Uploaded File Browser

    I really like the uploaded file browser, but I've noticed some strange behavior for it in my situation:

    I am running an application that has a different upload directory for each client.  Therefore there is no generic "/Uploads" directory at the root, but instead a series of directories several folders deep (example: "/Clients/ClientB/Uploads/").  When I do that, I notice that the file browser with CuteEditor starts the user in the right place but allows the user to go up several directories and see other peoples' files.  Is there an easy way of turning off the button that allows you to move up a folder?


  •  11-18-2003, 7:34 PM 83 in reply to 77

    Re: Behavior of New Uploaded File Browser


    You need to specify DownloadableDocumentPath property.

    The following method may help.

    // check access role permissions

    if (PortalSecurity.IsInRoles("users")) {

        editor1.DownloadableDocumentPath  = "/Clients/ClientB/Uploads/";


    It will not go up a level.

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  •  11-19-2003, 12:22 PM 85 in reply to 83

    Re: Behavior of New Uploaded File Browser

    Thanks for the reply, Adam!

    I went ahead and specified that property, but it is behaving somewhat strangely.  Each user's document upload folder is several levels deep.  Here's an example of what I specify the property to:


    When I do this, the document uploader opens the right directory. However, it allows the user to navigate up one level.  Then it no longer allows the user to navigate upward.  So the user can see all the files in the directories on the same level as the "DynamicFiles" directory. 

    What I'd like to do is to be able to turn off the text and buttons that show the directory navigation entirely.  I just want the client to see a list of files and have no idea where they are stored or what the directory structure is.


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