DisableAutoFormatting doesn't work!?

Last post 08-17-2005, 7:29 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  08-17-2005, 8:44 AM 9675

    DisableAutoFormatting doesn't work!?

    Hey Dev Team,
    I've been given the task of remaking a CMS editor for my company, the site is going great and we are basically giving our web designers the oppotunity to split up multiple sections of a page and allow our customers to edit certain sections to change key areas...

    The one problem that we seem to be having is that CE is editing text while switching between the HTML and Normal views.

    I've been searching for this problem and a the answer is to use DisableAutoFormatting = True
    The only problem is, this seems to do absolutely nothing.... for example, because we're effectively chopping up the web site into many parts.. then glueing them back together... in the different 'sections' that CE is editing, there will be many open tags. These tags will be closed later when the page is rebuilt later down the line, but unfortunately CE is closing the open tags for me!

    We urgently need a way to turn this off because its making the whole design useless!

    I've noticed a few examples off earlier people too.. for example one gentleman gave the example, that if you paste the following code into the editor it reformats it into 'friendlier' code:




    The answer was said to have been fixed, but even testing this smaller example on your site http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx it still reformats the code :(

    Has this issue ever been solved?

    The Version that i'm currently using is:
    CuteEditor Build 2005-07-10
  •  08-17-2005, 7:29 PM 9713 in reply to 9675

    Re: DisableAutoFormatting doesn't work!?

    Welcome to CuteSoft support forums.


    It doesn't have the format. Even you use the regular textarea, the "<div>hello</div>" will be stored in your database instead of


    If your site online so you can provide a URL? Maybe we can help you find a solution.

    Keep me posted.


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