Formatting Bugs

  •  09-08-2005, 6:47 PM

    Formatting Bugs

    Ok, try this:
    Type a little paragraph, like this one. Just keep typing until you have a few rows to work with. Ok, now select the first word and try to make it a heading. The whole paragraph turns into a heading. Ok, now try to seperate the first word from the rest of the paragraph. Place the cursor at the end of the first word and press enter. Now it removes the Heading from all of the text. Now select the first word again, now it is on it's own line, and try to make it a header. Both lines become headers. Now try to do anything you want, delete, hit enter whatever you try, you can never get the first word to seperate from the rest of the paragraph for seperate formatting, unless you edit the html- which is pointless for a wysiwyg editor, as our customer need an editr because they don't know html.

    Now, try this, very similar. Type some text in, highlight it and make it a heading then press enter- voila- it loses the formatting you just applied.

    Ok, now try this: Type in some text, highlight it and change the font. Now highlight it again and try to make it a heading- doesn't work. If you look at the html it is because the span tag that was created to change the font does not go away when you apply the <h1> tag, which is wrapped around the span.
    Are these known bugs as well? 
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