Can you help me to solve the problem?

  •  09-12-2005, 9:38 PM

    Can you help me to solve the problem?

    Hi adam,
    I am using CuteEditor 5.0 version, in my Editor i have one Drop down Textbox
    The Drop Down Textbox have 3 values
    value 1 : SINGAPORE
    Value 2 : INDIA
    Value 3: USA
    when i select the value INDIA, it's fine and i can submit the value to database,
    if i again reload the value from database it's not show me the selected value(INDIA), it shows me the value(SINGAPORE) first value, how can i achive the selected value to reload from database.
    here is my html coding:
       <select style="width: 130px">
           <option value=sin>SINGAPORE</option>
           <option value=ind selected>INDIA</option>
           <option value=us>USA</option>
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