Re: DNN 3.1.1, Cute Editor 5 - Setting the EditorBodyStyle property in Web.config

  •  09-13-2005, 7:18 AM

    Re: DNN 3.1.1, Cute Editor 5 - Setting the EditorBodyStyle property in Web.config

    Ok, I'm still having a lot of pain. 
    How does the EditorWysiwygModeCss property work?  I was under the impression that I could overwrite the styles I have in my skin.css file so that I could actually read them in the drop down lists (i.e. change all the colors of my white fonts to black so that I could read them on the white background).
    So I have this as my EditorWysiwygModeCss property:
    In my skin.css file I have a style which had a white colour (to go on my black background):

    .MyStyle {
        color: #FFF;
    But in the drop down list of Css classes in the cute editor, I want to change it to black so that i can read it in the dropdown, so in my editor.css file I did this:
    .MyStyle {
        color: #000;
    However, that doesn't work :(  it seems to read the styles in editor.css to populate the drop down list, but actually apply the styles with the same name from skin.css
    What can I do???!!
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