Thankyou for your promt reply. Where do I get the 'full' version number from?
The purchase was made August 3rd, 2005 - I should have 4.1 ?????
Here is the email my office manager recieved at time of purchase:
----------------------------start email-------------------------------------
From: Karen <
[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005 1:54 PM EST
[email protected]Subject: CuteEditor for ASP V4.0 Server License Delivery
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing CuteEditor for ASP. Please download a copy of
CuteEditor for ASP software at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
---------------------------finish email-------------------------------------
Why it says V4.0 in the subject (generated by you guys) I was wondering. Also why does it say 4 in the link. This lead me to create the following post: to your answer of this post I have version 4.1
Q..How did you tell what version I had?
Q..Where do I get the 'full' version number from within the build I have?
Additionaly my question in the post above still remains a question. My self and one of our directors wants to converse with your upper level management asap - We have a massive project that has hit a massive brick wall as a result of this incompatability. You say its been tested on IE 5.5 - did it have SP2 applied. I think you will agree, if your example are not working in addition to my applications of the editor it does not run in this environment. I have just finished getting my work pier reviewed and QA'ed as a result of this incompatibility. We have run the system in win 2k, XP pro, Win 2003 server hitting it with IE 5.5 it does not work. Please send me a phone number of your management.
I have several other very simple questions on this forum that have not been addressed. They are very simple for a person who knows your product inside out. Mate, lets work together and try and reslove this. I wish to continue to use the tool - it does not run on IE 5.5 (BTW you must install SP 2 on this browser)
Wind is your friend