Re: Editor fails in IE 5.5 - Urgent request for Cutesoft Management contact

  •  09-21-2005, 9:33 PM

    Re: Editor fails in IE 5.5 - Urgent request for Cutesoft Management contact

    ;;;Sorry for the troubles.
    I appreciate your appology and your time very much.  I wish this was satisfactory from the Frame (my company directors, they want to speak to your people. 

    ;;;We are in Canada.
    Please send me your company details, you still have not specificly said no to this question.  Can you answer this in the wat I have requested (on several occasions now)

    ;;;We prefer resolve the problems using our live support instead of discussing it through phone
    Directors do not wish to enter you chat room.   there is no use me going there again.  We both know what the problem is and what needs to be done.  If  get this problem fixed, will you guys pay for the time it takes?
    ;;;Can you send a list of the problems you found and your suggestions?
    The editor does not work with IE 5.5 SP2 - SP2 must be applied to IE 5.5 it is one of the worst browsers.  If you say you support IE 5.5 it must run with SP2.  I have experience in this area, ask your legal people.  We also build proprietry software and have a great deal of experience in this area.
    ;;I am sorry for the troubles. If it' very urgent for you, we can send you a special version on next monday
    This Monday or next Monday - It is very very urgent.  I will be looking for a new tool in the mean time.  We will loose this contract, it will cost our compamy allot of money.  These guys are our biggest client, you guys were about to get allot of licenses sold through us.
    Our objective was:
    1..Get a text editor that had certain tools - we are only using:
    2.. It must have a spell checker with NO CLIENTSIDE dependencies what so ever
    3..Must run on a 2k server
    4..Must run in a patched IE 5.5 environmet (this includes SP2)
    This for a briefing systen for the Australian Defence Force.  The whole thing is built and ready for roll out.  I suggest you remove the statement regarding IE 5.5 from your web site.  It is not the case.

    Wind is your friend
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