Re: Table Resizing

  •  09-22-2005, 5:21 AM

    Re: Table Resizing

    Hi Adam,
    Thanks for the reply, the image code also works to prevent resizing a table by testing for the TABLE tag, however, it does not prevent resizing of rows and columns even if I do the following:
    function HandleSizeChange(event)
        var tag = event.srcElement;
        var tagName = tag.tagName;
        if(tagName == "IMG" || tagName == "TABLE" || tagName == "TR" || tagName == "TD"
            || tagName == "TH")
             event.returnValue = 0;

    In fact the HandleSizeChange event is not even being called for the resizing of the rows and/or columns.

    Any ideas?

    Kind Regards

    Andy Maggs
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