Re: Downloadable files error message

  •  06-23-2004, 6:53 PM

    Re: Downloadable files error message


    Sorry it has taken so long to get back on this cuteeditor uploader issue.
    Anyway, I tried your suggestion of copying all of the 2.2 files to the server and when I did I got blank white panels on my popup dialog boxes on both the image uploader and the documents uploader. Nothing happend except I noticed that I had errors on the page.
     So, I copied all of the old files back. At least they work, except for the documents uploader. It is still broken. I get the "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden" message from line 17 of the browse_document.asp page. I know the path is ok because I am using PureASPuploader on some other pages and it has no problem finding the virtual "uploads" folder and even some sub-folders I have created.
    I'm at my wits end on this one. Unless you have some kind of real fix in mind I'm going to try to modify the code so I can use PureASP to upload my files in this portion of the site as well.  Btw, the link is still good to the site I gave you before. IF you need it again, let me know and I will send it to you but I have to get this working one way or another.
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