Very Urgent-Installation - CUTE CHAT and web messenger STANDALONE

  •  09-28-2005, 7:16 AM

    Very Urgent-Installation - CUTE CHAT and web messenger STANDALONE

    i have installed ur product CUTE CHAT and web messenger STANDALONE ,

    but i cann't able to use it in my local webapplication ,i read ur document which is attached in the zip file i showed it below
    i follow the instructions upto 10.but after that where to get the url for login?

    Is it possible to add the .dll file of it to my local webapplication?
    i already use and buy ur cuteeditor, there was a clear instruction for installation and use the CUTE EDITOR control.

    like that how could i use this software.i need the solution as soon as possible. plz send me sir/madam


    Cute Chat and Cute Messenger

    How to Install Cute Chat and Cute Messenger standalone project?

    1. Unzip the file
    2. Creata a new virtual directory called 'SamplePortal' which points to the 'SamplePortal\Web' folder in the above zip file.
    3. Create a new database called "SamplePortal".
    4. Grant your login access to the new database.
    5. Execute SQLScripts\cutechat2.sql
    6. Execute SQLScripts\1_CreateTables.sql
    7. Execute SQLScripts\2_CreateDefaultData.sql
    The default admin credentials are:
    UserName: admin
    Password: admin
    8. Open the Tools/CuteChatConfig.exe. Type in the connection string, then click the load button.
    9. Click the "load configuration file" button. In the open window, navigate to Tools\import-this.xml, and click the open.
    10. Click the "Save the configuration to the database" button.
    11. Log in as "admin" using the above default admin credentials, click the chat admin button.
    12. In the Cute Chat Administration Console, add one or more chat rooms to your site.
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