FileStorage produce duplicated result

  •  10-18-2005, 10:53 AM

    FileStorage produce duplicated result

       I am trying to use the Gallery Library from the MCSM for inserting images.  To do that I downloaded the SQLFileStorage source code as the starting point and setup to run in my environment.  It works and displays the images from MCSM for me to choose.  However, for every image in the gallery it shows up 4 times.  For example, if there is only one image, it'll show that there are 4 images (all the same one).  I printed out the steps that the methods are called and noticed that everytime I click a directory, it calls GetDirectoryitems twice and GetFileItems 4 times.  I am not sure how the cuteEditor is calling those methods.  I am wondering if there is setting that I missed or anything that I might have done wrong.
        I also use the original code that I downloaded for SQLFileStorage to setup a SQL environment for testing.  I also got the same result.
        Can someone give me a hint on why this might be happening or where I can get more information about how CuteEditor is making calls to these methods?  Thanks so much for the help.
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