Symbol Entry

  •  10-20-2005, 7:04 PM

    Symbol Entry

    We've purchased the cute editor and it has worked very well for us.  We do have one big issue that drives users crazy.  We allow students to enter math related equations, and when a student enters PI (Õ) into the editor, it makes it very hard to get out of that SPAN.  So anything you type after you enter PI (Õ) is in Greek.  I've found ways around this (inserting after I type or using copy paste, but these are too tough for our students.)  Is there a way to have it insert a symbol and then the next thing you type will not be in that font span.
    For example this is what happens for a student:  
    What is the value of Õ?  please help I think it is 3.14... is that correct?
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