Error 500 internal network error and some other things...

  •  10-23-2005, 7:23 AM

    Error 500 internal network error and some other things...

    I have been asking for help for this annoying 500 error before, but nobody seems to care... ? or know answer to the problem.
    I have Cute Chat installed under the DNN. Installation was quite complex but it went ok. Private chat is not working though , you can invite someone but it is impossible to JOIN that chat ;o)
    The Messenger option confused my users and I managed to edit it away same time with the link to the administration tool !!!
    The most annoying is the 500 error what comes to some users every now and then. Screen full of garbage. It sure is good that you can try the product before you pay.... with this price and the level of support... well I do not know....

    Regards,  Jarmo Laakso
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