Custom Tags

  •  11-09-2005, 10:52 AM

    Custom Tags

    I have created custom functionality to display a dialog allowing the user to enter a title and then surround the selected text with <acronym title="user entered value"></acronym> tags.  This is fine as a one way process, however, how can I make it so that when the user selects the text, right-clicks and selects Tags-Acronym-Properties my custom dialog is displayed with the existing 'user entered title'?  I appreciate that I can modify the tag.config file to create an entry for the acronym tag that points at a custom tag ascx, however, if I do that then what javascript function do I need to create in the ascx so that when the user clicks the OK button in the host dialog, the title attribute of the tag in the editor gets updated appropriately?
    A working code example would be great.
    Kind Regards
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