How do I control the default font style in the editor textarea?

  •  11-16-2005, 9:09 AM

    How do I control the default font style in the editor textarea?

    We are using cuteeditor extensively for our clients to edit their content on-line. It works really great. Our only hickup is that the default font used in the editor window doesn't match the default used when the content is rendered after editing (in the resulting web page). (I.e., when you enter text into the editor area without setting any style, etc. it renders in the editor in a serif font - time new roman I think - and when you save this plain text and render it in the final web page it uses the default web style .Normal in our style sheet - which is Tahoma - sans serif.)
    I've looked and played with various editor controls, including:
    As well as defining the 'CuteEitorTextArea' style both in our style sheet as well as in the

    file. All to no avail.

    (I should point out that the font face control drop down for the editor comes up with 'Times New Roman' on startup. However, as I am not assigning that to any text in the editor window, I do not expect it to control the default font rendered. If it did, then I would expect that setting to be rendered out for the final page.)
    Ideally we would like to simply refer the editor textarea to our style as a default so that any site style changes are automatically reflected in the editor. An alternative would be to know where to edit the default style that the editor is using to render the text in the editor textarea.

    Any ideas/pointer/help would be great!
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