parsing Rich text strings from a SQL Database

  •  11-29-2005, 9:20 AM

    parsing Rich text strings from a SQL Database

    I am using an inexpensive work order application called Express Maintenance that as written in Delphi/C++. In order to have high availability I created a web app. (ASP.NET, VB) for my users to create work orders. Right now they can create work orders with no problem, but I would like them to be able to see the completed work orders also. My problem is that the notes section of the completed work order is stored in rich text and this is what the raw data looks like in the database.

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0Arial;}{\f1\fnil Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\fs24 Track ItWork Order Number 7256\b0\f1\par }

    The only part that I want to show up is "Track It Work Order Number 7256"

    Does this control parse the rich text formatting parameters so it will just display the notes text only.

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