Re: Thumbnails

  •  12-01-2005, 7:21 PM

    Re: Thumbnails

    That same question was brewing in my mind- if i understand you correctly.. (though, i'm not DNN'n ;-)
    It would be great if the ImageDialog:
    - had a checkbox, (or config) to create a thumb, wrapped in a link tag, that linked a popup to the full image... (even better if the thumb is a generated thumb a fraction of full size kb)
    Along those same lines..  shouldn't the current .config "MaxImageWidth/Height" also apply to what can be inserted into the editor? and not just for limiting upload dimensions?  This way, for example, I could set a "Forum.config", where I want to limit inserted images in posts, as not to wreck the UI.. and, say, a "gallery.config" where the UI might allow larger images.
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