No joy adam. I don't know how I'm ever going to go live with this.... I only wanted a basic editor and this seems to have such problems every time I choose to get the latest version.
I'm using:
If Not txtDescription.ToolControls("FontName") Is Nothing Then
dropdown = DirectCast(txtDescription.ToolControls("FontName").Control, CuteEditor.RichDropDownList)
richitem = dropdown.Items(0) 'the first item is the caption
dropdown.Items.Clear() 'clear the items from configuration files
dropdown.Items.Add(richitem) 'add the caption
dropdown.Items.Add("Arial", "Arial")
dropdown.Items.Add("Courier", "Courier")
dropdown.Items.Add("Georgia", "Georgia")
dropdown.Items.Add("Times", "Times New Roman")
dropdown.Items.Add("Verdana", "Verdana")
End If
and it shows Arial if I click outside the box and Times if I click inside the box and no changes at all if I select text and change text !!!!!!!!!