Re: Cannot install Cute Editor .NET in DotNetNUke

  •  12-17-2005, 2:49 AM

    Re: Cannot install Cute Editor .NET in DotNetNUke

    Thanks Adam,
    I managed to get it working... although I have a few issues (I am using dnn 3.2.0)
    1. The spell checker doesn't seem to work (I get a popup with an error message), I get the same issue if I try to edit templates from the templates dialog box.
    2. What is the difference between 'Css Class' and 'Inline Styles' in the drop downs

    3. I want to be able to control the Css Classes which appear in the drop down and am looking for the simplest possible solution. I notice that by default it includes all dotnetnuke styles. If I want to limit this list to styles contained in a custom.css file how would I do this (i.e. disable default behaviour of populating dnn css classes)?
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