Re: CleanUpHTMLCode and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML buggy

  •  01-03-2006, 9:08 PM

    Re: CleanUpHTMLCode and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML buggy

    I'm seeing something very similar to this myself.  I'm evaluating the Editor component, and I put in:
    "<div><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">This is <strong>test content</strong> for 007 ... <img height=55 src="/image/portal.gif" width=240></span></div>"
    When I call my save routine, what remains in the Editor.Text property is:
    "<div><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Th "

    When my code recalls this truncated snippet from the database and loads it back into the Editor, using the .Text property, the Editor closes the div and span tags, but all the original content following "Th" (e.g. "This is test content ... ") is lost.

    Is the eval license crippled to 40 plain text (non-HTML) characters?  Is the CleanUpHTML method being called automatically?  What's going on?

    I'm ready to buy the Enterprise license, but I need to resolve this immediately or find another editor.  Thanks for your help!
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