Re: CleanUpHTMLCode and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML buggy

  •  01-04-2006, 4:08 AM

    Re: CleanUpHTMLCode and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML buggy

    First, I'd like to thank you for hanging with me so late into the night.  I greatly appreciate your efforts!
    I tried your online example successfully, and the only difference I noted between your code and mine was the AllowEditServerSideCode="true" setting.  I had mine set to "false", so I changed it to "true", but it had no effect on the truncation.
    I'd like to try to replace my license (lic) file either by purchasing the product or with a temporary license/key generated for test purposes only.  In the morning, who can I contact about this, and what time zone is CuteSoft in?

    Thanks again for all your help!

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