Re: Back at it

  •  12-28-2003, 8:58 PM

    Re: Back at it

    Trying this w an Access DB now. I still can't get the update to work. I get this error:

    A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Editor1="<FONT face=Verdana>a...")

    This is the section of the insert that must be failing

    strSql += "VALUES ("+intReqId+", "+intParId+", 0, "+ Editor1.Text +",'Not Reviewed', 'New', 'Medium'";

    (The bolding and red font is mine. ) If I save as simple text this works OK. It seems to be the way that the text is formatted by the Cute Editor. That is, if I substitute a multiline text box for the Cute editor, it saves ok as plain text using textbox1.text, instead of Editor1.Text.

    Any Ideas about this? I tried using single quotes around the editor ' "+Editor1.Text +" ' - but that does not work either. In fact I can't debug it - I put breaks in the code before the SQL but it crashes as soon as I click the update button. Like it was validating the code first.


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